Dubai : International sporting leaders will address the important subject of the relationship between sport and government during the eighth SportAccord International Convention from April 25 to 30 at the Atlantis Hotel in Dubai.

The SportAccord Convention features the topic of "Autonomy of Sport" on its conference agenda at a time when regulation and the role of non-sport authorities in the governance of sport is the focus of increasing debate and consultation around the world.

Confirmed speakers for this event are: Sepp Blatter, president, International Football Federation (Fifa); Christophe de Kepper, chief of staff, International Olympic Committee (IOC), and Nawal Al Moutawakel, former Sports Minister of Morocco, IOC member and Chairperson, Rio 2016 Coordination Commission.

The year 2010 marks a turning point in the area of sporting regulation after the passage by the European Union's Treaty of Lisbon in December 2009.

For the first time, the EU has a so-called supporting competence in sport. While the majority of sport-related functions remain in the hands of sporting organisations and national governments, consultations are underway as to the future shape of European policy.

Action plan

The EU's new Pierre de Coubertin Action Plan contains more than 50 proposals for action in sport, addressing its role in society, economy and organisation.

"The subject of regulation and the autonomy of sport is a crucial one for our stakeholders and all actors in the world of sport, including commercial operators," said Anna Hellman, executive director of SportAccord Convention.

"We are delighted to provide a platform for global sporting leaders to shed light on this area of growing importance."