Naresh Dhar psychiatrist in Dubai Image Credit: Supplied

Balance is necessary

When it comes to freedom on the Internet, it is important that we take norms into consideration as what we say may crash with the norms of society. However, from a psychiatric point of view, a person may feel relieved when expressing their thoughts but again, this needs to be balanced according to the circumstances and the fact that it is no longer about individual societies. As we are living in a global society, and the fact that public forums can be accessed from anywhere in the world, there need to be some guidelines or a unified law, which will be accepted throughout the world. This would clear the confusion and set boundaries as to how far one can go when expressing their opinion in public.

From Naresh Dhar

Psychiatrist in Dubai

Virtual reality

Because of the fact that we use public domains to express our private opinion, we need to bear in mind the consequences that it might have as people from anywhere in the world can access it and interpret it in their own way, which may be very different from your intention. Once we accept the terms and agreements of joining a social networking site, we are accepting the fact that anyone can access our information and if necessary, be used against us. There is a need for unified laws governing social media, and more importantly, the need for public awareness on what can be said and what cannot. This is important because the difference between the Internet and reality is the fact that you are a unknown and so is your intentions, therefore, this can easily be misinterpreted even though this might not have been what you initially meant for.

From Abdullah Al Bannai

Entrepeneur in Sharjah

Public versus private

There is a theory on what is a public versus private sphere, and in this case the information was no longer personal as it was involving a public figure and that is no longer private to her. If it is affecting a public person and the wellbeing or non-wellbeing of him or her, that is no longer a matter of freedom of expresson and the person should be held accountable for it as it is a violation of the public sphere by attacking a public person. See, if I have information on my computer, it is private, but the moment that I post it online, it is no longer private. There is definitely a need for international universal laws on the extent of the use of expression as well as the use and abuse of the Internet. However, it is equally important to implement local laws for each country on how to deal with the Internet and this should be based on local and regional culture as something that might be accepted in one country, but a violation in another.

From Nath Aldalala’a

Associate professor in International Relations

Global governance

There is no such thing as freedom of speech on the Internet if it involves attacking another person. To me, freedom of speech is a responsibility that we have to express our opinions but it is also about respect. When a person uses the Internet to attack another person it is a breach of the responsibility that we have been given and a violation of the security of a public figure. It is important that boundaries are set as to how far and honest one can be when expressing an opinion on a public domain. With this in mind, there is a need to implement a universal law to govern activity on social networking sites because of the fact that it is important that whoever breaches this trust, be held accountable and with local laws, that is difficult. With universal laws, the person who commits such acts can be held accountable anywhere in the world as the law is applied worldwide.

From Gheras Tajeddin

Diplomacy student in Dubai

Hate censorship

When it comes to the Internet and freedom of speech, there is always a double standard of what you can and cannot say. Honestly, I do not believe that there is any freedom of speech on the Internet because the moment you voice your opinion in the public domain, you have given up your freedom of privacy and it can then be used against you. If you choose to voice your opinion on a social networking site, you have to face the consequences of your actions because you are the one who made the choice to put yourself out there. However, it is important to note the importance of censorship in terms of hatred because your never know who is reading your comments. A universal law will not suffice in this case.Therefore, it is up to the individual and his or her intelligence to deal with the matter.

From Zoe Kaviani

Managing director in Dubai

Free use

The Internet is a platform for people to express themselves and find potiential like-minded people and therefore, it should be used freely. Authorities should take this unique platform in consideration and connect with people. It depends on the case, but generally there should be a law that protects us when using public domains as it is simply freedom of expression. However, a common issue online is over-expression and an example of this would be if someone wrote, “I could kill for ice cream right now”, and my way of interpreting it is that this person is really craving ice cream. However, someone else might think that the person is going out to kill someone just to get ice cream. The Internet gives us space to voice our opinion and as long as it is not posing a threat to another human being, it shouldn’t be an issue. If it is, then the issue should be raised in court. However, as for disliking a public figure, it is merely an individual opinion and not a threat.

From Nour Al Ali

Student blogger