I am excited about getting round to seeing more of Dubai — many of its attractions are read about or heard of but one doesn’t get to see them.

The reason for this is that they are there and you are sure you will visit them one day. Before you know it, the years have rolled by and they remain unseen.

Sometimes one gets to hear of some spectacular experiences people have had while on a short holiday here. They’ve managed to cram more into a week than you have in your decades of stay here. As they recount the glorious time they’ve had here, they notice the expression on your face. There’s no indication that you share in their joy and can confirm the wonder of what they’ve seen. As you see the look of surprise, you are forced to admit that you haven’t been there, done that.

It’s hard to explain why you’ve missed out on so many marvels. But there is a simple explanation. One tends to get caught up in the routine of work which leaves precious little time for sightseeing. The weekends are spent playing catch-up and winding down.

Getting back to the reason for my excitement, I am expecting several sets of guests over the course of this year. So, I will be forced to pull myself out of this inertia and take them around. I am sure there is lots they will teach me about this country that I am not aware of.

But, in my defence, I have been on a desert safari. Not just once but several times. I’ve also been on a dhow cruise courtesy one of my guests some years ago. I’ve also been to most of the big-name malls, if that counts. I have even been to some of the emirates, though not to all seven of them. Now that it is down on paper, the vast sum of my explorations seems rather pathetic. But I am determined to remedy that.

As you can see, my experience is somewhat limited. So, the expansion of my horizons depends on the enthusiasm of my visitors. One set who visited me many years ago opened my eyes to the many delights the emirate has to offer. Soon after they arrived, they told me all the things they wanted to do. It was an impressive list but what wasn’t as impressive was my inability to inform their choices.

But I didn’t need to worry. They had done their homework and all I had to do was accompany them. By the time they left, I was wiser but worn out. I needed another holiday to recover from their whirlwind tour.

So, I’m going to be prepared this time. I’m going online to read up all I can about the city I live in so that, when my guests arrive, they’ll find a reliable guide, a source they can trust. I’m going to be in control. I shall make a to-do list that will impress even the most seasoned traveller.

I shall chalk out an itinerary that will require strict adherence to time of departure each day of their stay, like those guided tours. By the time their holiday comes to an end, they will leave feeling they’ve had their money’s worth. Or so I hope. Not that I’m charging them a penny. Or maybe I should reconsider that!

I can only hope that they aren’t tempted to come back too often as they find that this vacation is the best they’ve ever had. Maybe I shouldn’t lay out the full red carpet. Just a strip or two here and there will do.

In fact, after this fact-finding mission, I may be qualified to work as a full-fledged tourist guide. Is there money in that? I must do some research into that new line of work.