The adage, ‘Prevention is better than cure’, holds perennial wisdom and is perhaps the reason why proactive initiatives are powered by its message. The UAE’s National Polio Campaign, a vaccination drive by the Ministry of Health in two phases — the first from November 16-27 and the second from January 11-22, 2015 — aims to administer booster shots to 416,000 children in the UAE below the age of five to strengthen their immunity and offer a double elimination advantage.

The campaign’s extraordinary aspect is that it will not only serve children in the UAE, but will also benefit children visiting the country. Open to all, free of charge and unyoked to requirements of a health card or medical insurance, the campaign is angled at maximum efficacy. The timing of the campaign is also serendipitous as medical experts say that the period of November to April is low-transmission season for the polio virus and thus the best time for preventive measures. In light of the alarming polio outbreak in nearby Pakistan and a few cases spotted in Iraq and Syria, such measures are imperative. The UAE is polio-free and needs to remain that way.