Britain's new Prime Minister David Cameron leaves his home in west London on May 13, 2010. Cameron vowed a "seismic shift" in how the country is governed, unveiling a historic coalition he said would transform the political landscape. Image Credit: AFP

The only sustainable solution to the conflict in Afghanistan is an inclusive government. This government should have the support of enough political and militant factions in the country — including the Taliban. The only way to build such a government is through a process of political reconciliation and negotiation — and talks such as these can only get under way effectively if there are no preconditions.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has called on the Taliban to put down their weapons and join the mainstream political process so that they can have a future in the country. He was speaking during a two-day tour of the country which comes at a time when violence in Afghanistan is at record highs. The tour has been marred by the violent death of a British soldier during the visit.

Cameron's remarks also coincide with efforts by the US to open talks with the Taliban leadership, ahead of the scheduled withdrawal of foreign combat forces by 2014. The Taliban are reportedly refusing to stop their attacks until such time as all foreign forces are out of Afghanistan. The Taliban, US, UK and the Afghan government of President Hamid Karzai must understand that peace can often only come at the price of sometimes painful compromises with perceived sworn enemies. But, the past 10 years must teach them that there are no winners in war — especially those fuelled by ideology and extremism — and the real victims are the people of Afghanistan.

The Taliban must realise that even if the US and its allies withdraw from Afghanistan, unless there is a settlement that accommodates all parties, the conflict will drag on through their proxies. Cameron is right that the Taliban have no real future outside of mainstream politics, but the US, UK and their allies must offer the Taliban real tangible benefits if they are to lure them into peaceful government.