There are definite and positive signs of a political climate change in Myanmar with constructive and cordial discussions carried out between the country's champion of democracy, Aung San Suu Kyi and President Thien Sein, a former general.

Obviously much more needs to happen in order to make a clear prediction on the outcome of the relationship between Suu Kyi and the junta, who have managed to keep her in political isolation for decades. But there is cautious optimism that perhaps the first of the many baby steps towards a reconciliation between the two parties have been effected. In the words of the government, "Both sides sought potential common grounds to cooperate in the interests of the nation and the people, putting aside different views." Suu Kyi put her personal endorsement on the official statement saying that she "was encouraged". If the two entities saw a way of coming together then the age-old wounds in Myanmar would be healed.