The alarming increase in the number of deaths in Dubai due to drunk driving shows that the penalties are not harsh enough. To be effective a penalty must act as a deterrent, anything less is not getting the message across and will not change drivers' attitudes.

Nor will it stop people consuming alcoholic drinks and driving, despite there being a zero tolerance to the offence. However the law as presently implemented tends to concentrate only upon drunk drivers who have been involved in an accident, no matter how trivial.

If the drivers of either vehicle are found to have been drinking alcohol prior to the accident, then there will be that charge as well as any meted out for the offence that caused the accident.

Instead of this form of reaction, the police need to be proactive and stop drivers whom they believe to be driving under the influence of alcohol and issue a breathalyzer test. If they fail the driver should be charged and the vehicle impounded.

Other countries take drunk driving as a very serious life-threatening offence. It is time Dubai looked upon the offence of drunk driving with similar concern and issued penalties that not only deter, but reduce the number of incidents.