US President Barack Obama (right) and Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai (left) take part in a bilateral meeting during the Nato Summit in Lisbon, Portugal. Image Credit: AP

The recently concluded Nato summit did all the right things: outline an ambitious role for Nato in a complex world; renew and recalibrate Nato's role in Afghanistan; relaunch the Nato-Russia Council; and even move the ball forward on missile defence. This will now be followed by negotiations on implementation documents. To someone who has worked on these issues for over two decades, it is hard to think of anything that should have been done differently.

In principle, this is an extremely strong setup for Nato and the future — as long as the real world doesn't intrude. But that's always the problem: the real world does intrude. And this year, the gaps between the vision held by transatlantic security experts, and the actual beliefs and actions of the allied public and governments is as wide as it has ever been. Until the real world can be confronted, the best-laid policies will remain just that.

Start with the new Nato Strategic Concept, replacing the one agreed upon in 1999. The document strikes an intelligent and responsible balance on a number of issues:

n Home and away: It affirms that Nato is concerned with both Article 5 territorial defence (including against missiles), and with crisis management outside Nato's territory, such as in Afghanistan.

n Old threats and new: Being prepared to deal with traditional military threats (even nuclear deterrence) while integrating civil-military capacities and facing new challenges, including cyber and energy security.

n Reassurance and engagement: Assuring Nato's eastern allies that we are committed to their defence, while simultaneously reaching out to Russia as a strategic partner.

Right idea. Who will implement it?

Sustained investment

This is a demanding set of missions for Nato, and fulfilling it will require massive amounts of sustained political, military, civilian, and financial investment. But there's the rub: despite the words on the page, in practice, Nato nations are slashing defence spending and seeking to limit their engagements.

This may soon include the US, which is debating the withdrawal of combat brigades based in Germany, and where efforts to get America's deficit under control will not leave defence spending unscathed.

The public in western Europe perceive no threat to their security other than the economy, and the public in Central and Eastern Europe — though worried about Russia — are in no financial position to underwrite Nato. The American public, partly reflected through a Tea Party lens that thinks Washington is out of control, is feeling less expansive about foreign engagements. The vision in the Nato Strategic Concept is the right one — but who will implement it?

Or take Afghanistan. Nato has very sensibly flipped the July 2011 ‘withdrawal' date into a strategy for transitioning to Afghan leadership in 2014. It means a continued, robust Nato engagement, with emphasis on training Afghan security forces and improving governance.

Here again, the real world intrudes. Given illiteracy, corruption, poor governance, economic devastation, drugs, Pakistani safe havens, and more — how can Nato have any confidence that Afghanistan will be capable of leadership in 2014, when they are so far from it in 2011? The new deadline will arrive before anyone knows it.


In the meantime, the general public — including in America — are increasingly sceptical that the mission in Afghanistan is achievable. One can already hear the rumbling: "We have been there for nine years, spent a trillion dollars, lost thousands of lives, are supporting a corrupt government, and the terrorists aren't even there." Faced with this, can we sustain the long-term commitment needed to succeed?

‘Success' requires the will to succeed. What psychological message will the Taliban, the Afghan population, or even the US public, take from the summit? Are we "in this to win," as General Petraeus put it, or "in this to transition?"

The US has tried to launch Nato-Russia cooperation many times before — including at summits in 1997, 2002, and 2008. It is worth trying again. Yet over that time, Russia has retrenched on democracy, occupied parts of Georgia, stopped implementing the CFE Treaty (Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe), opposed missile defence sites in Central Europe, and listed Nato as the number one threat to Russia in its national security concept.

One can only admire the accomplishment of Nato diplomats and politicians in crafting a well-written and substantive Strategic Concept, Afghanistan policy, and outreach to Russia.

The test now is to put real meaning behind the summit's words.. At this stage, one cannot escape the feeling that the real world will trump these best laid of plans.

Kurt Volker is a former US ambassador to Nato. He is now senior fellow and managing director of the Centre for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, and a senior adviser at McLarty Associates.