For all the focus on the international fight against terror, there is another equally important law-and-order campaign that needs to be waged — against drug barons and warlords. And just like terrorism, those who engage in the international narcotics trade are guilty of undermining the social fabric of a state, bringing crime and misery, and leaving broken individuals in their wake.

The allure of the narcotics trade is one where immoral and unscrupulous thugs can turn a quick dollar by trading and shipping illegal street drugs, counterfeit pills and stolen pharmaceuticals across international borders. They rely on fear, intimidation, bribery, coercion and any other criminal rouse to bring their products to an underground market that is weak and willing to fund their enterprise of crime.

Those who are engaged in apprehending and fighting this illicit international trade must also use every tool at their disposal to ensure that drug lords, their middle-men and their mules are put behind bars. And just like the fight against terror, it is a fight that requires police forces in various countries to work together, gathering intelligence, assessing evidence, analysing trends, working inside sources, deterring and confronting the criminals at every level.

As recent seizures and police actions have shown, the UAE is very much in the front-line when it comes to this international effort. Large quantities of dangerous drugs have been intercepted by authorities in the UAE, with criminals intent on using this nation’s ports and transit facilities as way points in their illicit trade. As always, however, the UAE police and security services have been highly effective in taking out these criminals. For that, these unsung heroes deserve credit and kudos.