It seems as if sometime in the coming weeks if not months, United States President Donald Trump will be interviewed by Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating alleged collusion between his campaign team and Russia. Mueller has been tasked with finding out if, how, when and why the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin or some other agents or agency of Russia, interfered to sway the outcome of the presidential election in Trump’s favour.

This is a scandal that has been simmering since before Trump took his seat in the Oval Office, and it is one that he has attacked verbally, on twitter and through any other news medium open to him over these past 15 months. Consistently, the president has said, there was no collusion between his campaign and elements of the Russian government. Mueller, too, despite being disparaged by Trump, his inner and outer sanctums, and elements of the Republican party, has consistently gone about his work, with three persons associated with the Trump campaign facing various obstruction and fiscal irregularity changes so far.

There are reports that Mueller has turned Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, to assist with the investigation, and is now focusing on very senior people in the Trump campaign, not excluding Donald Trump junior and Jared Kushner. Mueller’s team has gone about its work quietly and effectively. If indeed the president’s interview is to take place, one could only wish it to be a fly on the wall. Clearly, Mueller isn’t expected to be deterred as he remains focused on the job at hand. Whatever the truth, all of us need some straight answers for once.