Imagine a world that doesn’t require you to get a paper receipt. Or get forms filled out at a typing centre. Or even stand in line to take a number. Imagine how much more efficient that world would be. Anyone who can imagine that can understand just why the Dubai government is pushing its current efforts to go “paperless.” On October 26, it will put this into practice with its “Day without Service Centres.” This day has been long in coming, but the preparation will make it worth it. Over the last few years, multiple government apps have been created that allow us to access nearly everything the government offers. The impact from these services is being felt across the city. No longer do you have to go to the police station for a minor scrape to your vehicle. There’s an app for that, and it will walk you through the process. Fines to pay? Prescriptions filled? Online ordering of animal slaughtering and delivery? Yes, there are apps for those too.

To some these services may seem scary, and just as with every major rollout of new technology, there have been some teething pains. And of course, some people will always prefer to talk to another human. So while we laud the government’s efforts to move into a paperless, app-driven age of government services, the government should remember that there are always people for whom technology will be a mystery. That’s why it’s important that the services being offered – and just as importantly, how they are offered – have to be continuously improved. When we have services that service everyone, then we will have a truly “happy, dynamic, highly productive society.”