Washington: A 40-year congressional veteran, became just the 23rd member of the House of Representatives in US history to be censured for misconduct.

As the final chapter of a more than two-year ethics investigation played out on Thursday, Charles Rangel moved through several zones of emotion: contrition, anger, relief, defiance.

The 80-year-old Democrat remains a political leader in New York's Harlem. But in the House, his influence has waned. He stepped down from the chairmanship of the powerful Ways and Means Committee last March after he was criticised in a separate ethics investigation.

In the next Congress, resurgent Republicans will control the committee and there's virtually no chance that Rangel will be the top Democrat. Other senior lawmakers already had moved ahead of him in the committee's Democratic hierarchy.

Safe seat

Beyond the stain on his career, the censure will have little, practical effect. Rangel's seat appears safe as long as he wants it. He received nearly 80 per cent of the vote last month when he won his 21st term, and easily won his primary.

He remains extremely popular with his House colleagues, greeting them by the dozens as he moves through Congress. The House voted 333-79 to censure Rangel for failing to pay all his taxes, filing misleading financial statements, improperly seeking money from corporate interests for a college centre bearing his name and setting up a campaign office in a subsidised, New York apartment designated for residential use.

When Rangel spoke to the House before the censure vote, he contritely said: "I brought it on to myself." He appealed for fairness, but let a half-dozen supporters argue unsuccessfully for a lesser reprimand.

After the vote, speaking to the House, Rangel showed a flash of anger, saying: "At no time has it ever entered my mind to enrich myself or to do violence to the honesty that's expected of all of us in this House." Rangel looked like a relieved man as he tried to leave the chamber.