David Miliband Image Credit: Reuters

London: For a man trying to shake off his reputation as a banana-wielding geek, David Miliband was probably ill advised to try to emulate Barack Obama's election house parties.

But the Labour leadership candidate's latest campaign wheeze to get his supporters to hold Obama-style meetings to drum up support has backfired.

The Shadow Foreign Secretary has sent his supporters a six-page memo explaining how they should talk to each other.

The document also tells his young community organisers to give their homes a quick vacuum - but only if they feel like it - and to lay on the nibbles when their friends gather to talk about matters Miliband. "Get in from work, give the place a quick vacuum and general tidy (or not, if you're not that type)," the memo advises.

"Put the oven on and get the nibbles in. If there are drinks, get them chilling. No one can resist a delicious spread of food!"

Perhaps surprisingly, there is no mention of bananas, the fruit Miliband was seen clutching at Labour conference two years ago, a pose which helped scupper any chance he had of ousting Gordon Brown.

Obama won the White House on a slogan of hope and change using an army of young helpers recruited at community house parties.

New delights

Miliband's so-called Movement for Change promises similar delights, with supporters urged to sit down and watch Miliband campaign videos from YouTube.

Lucky revellers face the exciting prospect of "a phone call from either David himself or one of his high-profile supporters".

But rather than rely on a groundswell of grassroots support, Miliband seems intent on delivering highly proscriptive top-down instructions.

Those organising home parties are instructed that they must "try and build accountability into" their relationships with their friends.

"If someone confirms then they should be there and you need to let people know you are disappointed if they don't turn up… even if it's just your mates!"

Once assembled, the document tells the Miliband enthusiasts how to start talking to each other.

The memo plots a 90-minute meeting from start to finish in a manner likely to confirm Miliband's reputation as a bit of a political sad case.

Memo: Highlights of the guide

5.30pm Give the place a quick vacuum and keep it generally tidy. Put the oven on and get the nibbles in. If there are drinks, get them chilling. Pick some music. Get Labour Party membership forms at the ready.

7pm People are arriving, take their coats, get them a drink, all that good stuff. More importantly, get them to fill in the sign-in sheet.

7.30pm Get everyone to introduce themselves. Don't forget that you may get a phone call from David or one of his high-profile supporters.

7.50pm Show David's leadership House Party video.

8pm As host you may need to start the conversation. Consider what one thing you most want to change in our local community.

8.40pm Read or take from the following paragraph: "I hope you have enjoyed this evening — it's been really interesting hearing your stories tonight. The Movement for Change is going to be a long process for the Labour Party but if it is going to be successful it has to begin with us electing David Miliband as leader.

9pm Finish the meeting with a thank you for the commitments people have made.

After the event: Send photos/videos to David's web team or write a blogpost about how your event went on David's website.