Image Credit: Gulf News

London: A man who worked for Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, was found dead at his apartment, near the agency's headquarters, on Wednesday.

Police said they found the body of the man, in his 30s, at his top floor apartment in the upmarket Pimlico area of London, on Monday afternoon.

The victim, who has not been named, had not been seen for some time and officers had gone to the apartment after he was reported missing. A post mortem to determine the cause of death is being carried out on Wednesday.

Media reports said the man was working for MI6, which deals with matters of foreign espionage, on assignment from the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the government's spying service.

"This is a police matter. It's a long-standing policy of the government not to confirm or deny any individual working for the intelligence agencies," said a spokeswoman for the Foreign Office.

The investigation into the man's death is being carried out by the Homicide and Serious Crime Command, indicating that detectives do not believe the death to be related to matters of terrorism or espionage.