Supporters of Sri Lankan presidential candidate of the common opposition Gen. Sarath Fonseka. Image Credit: AP

Colombo: Sri Lankans crowded polling stations on Tuesday throughout Colombo in a hard-fought election to decide whether the incumbent president or his former army chief should lead the nation's recovery from a brutal civil war both men helped win.

However, there was less enthusiasm for the poll in minority Tamil areas most affected by the fighting, and early morning explosions in the city of Jaffna--in the heart of the predominantly Tamil north--were expected to further suppress turnout.

But there were no reports of major violence by the time polls closed in the afternoon. The top opposition candidate, however, was not allowed to cast a ballot because his name was not on voter registration lists.

Though it has been just eight months since President Mahinda Rajapaksa and retired General Sarath Fonseka declared victory in the quarter-century war against the Tamil Tiger rebels, many voters were more focused on the stagnant economy than the newfound peace.

"Life is difficult, the cost of living is high. We need a change of government to stop corruption," said Pathirannnehelage Priyalal, a 40-year-old businessman in the town of Gampaha, north of Colombo, who said he voted for Fonseka. "There has been no relief even after the war and if this government remains, even finding food will be difficult."

Rajapaksa, however, still retains strong support for his war victory and rights groups accuse him of misusing state resource _ including the state media _ to bolster his campaign.

"Mahinda must win," Priyanthi Ovitigala, 42, said minutes before voting in Gampaha. "This freedom is very important more than anything else. No previous political leader could win the war."

Though there have been no reliable polls, both candidates appear to command strong Sinhalese followings, and the votes of the Tamils--who suffered most from the government offensive against the rebels--may prove decisive. Twenty other minor candidates are also running.

Voters from the Manik Farm camp in Vavuniya, where civilians displaced from the war zone are living, walked about a kilometre to polling centres set up at the village of Ariyathottam.

In a separate area in Vavuniya, authorities bused in former rebel fighters-- young men and women--from rehabilitation camps to vote. For many, the voting center became a meeting place after months of separation. Some did not bother voting, and instead chatted.

Rajapaksa and Fonseka, both considered heroes by the country's Sinhalese majority, have promised to bring development to the country and lead its rebuilding effort from the war.

However, neither has presented a detailed plan to resolve the underlying ethnic tensions-- and Tamil complaints of marginalisation--that sparked the rebels' separatist insurgency in the first place.

The opposition said it feared the government would try to steal the election, and in a sign of possible irregularities, Fonseka said his own name didn't appear on the voter registration list. The electoral commission said that would not effect his candidacy.

Several explosions were heard in Jaffna, a predominantly ethnic Tamil city, before polls opened. Election monitor Paikiyasothy Saravanamuttu said one blast was a grenade attack on the office of a ruling party organizer.

However, an opposition Tamil lawmaker accused the military of firing artillery shells into the sea to dissuade voting among Tamils, who were expected to lean toward Fonseka.

"I think the government wants to minimize the voting," lawmaker Suresh Premachandran said.

Military spokesman Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara denied the military fired artillery.

Meanwhile, activists distributed leaflets in Jaffna calling for an election boycott, Saravanamuttu said.

The leaflets, signed by a previously unknown group calling itself Tamil Patriots, said the group does not agree with the decision of Tamil political leaders to back Fonseka.

"Our stand has always been that the Tamil people need not vote in an election to choose a president for the Sinhalese state. Our people should not permit the sacrifices of our warriors to go to waste," the group said in the letter.

During the last presidential election in 2005, won by Rajapaksa, the Tamil Tigers enforced a boycott among ethnic Tamils at gunpoint. This year, however, Tamils are expected to vote _ though not in huge numbers.

In the multiethnic eastern town of Batticaloa, Tamil voters enthusiastically lined up at polling stations, unlike in earlier elections when they feared violence, according to a resident.

Rajapaksa has campaigned on his war record and his promises to bring development to the nation and branded Fonseka a potential military dictator.

Fonseka, who also pledges an economic renaissance, accused Rajapaksa of entrenched corruption and promised to trim the powers of the presidency and empower parliament if elected.

Dashika Manuranga, 23-year-old undergraduate voting near Colombo, said he hopes the next president will also resolve the country's outstanding ethnic issues.

"Rajapaksa managed to fulfill his promise of ending the war, but ultimately failed to bring a solution to the ethnic problems and solve the problems of the Tamil-speaking people," said Manuranga, who voted for Fonseka.

First results are not expected until Wednesday.