Manila: An upsurge in violence had been noted in Central Mindanao as a dominant rebel group expressed fears such developments could affect current efforts to bring peace in the region.

Muhammad Muntassir, head of the Da'wah Committee of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, said recent explosions that rocked Cotabato City and the municipality of Pigkawayan in North Cotabato were obviously "the handiwork of criminal mind that has no place in civilized society."

He said the activities not only jeopardised current efforts to arrive at a peace settlement between the MILF and the Philippine government, but more importantly, the acts were against the teachings of Islam.

The blast, according to the MILF's Luwaran website, was the handiwork of shadowy groups called Bangsamoro Independence Movement and Bangsamoro Youth Movement.

According to reports, two groups were made up of disgruntled former MILF members who espoused more radical ideals compared to that of the mainstream MILF.




Reports reaching Manila said several civilians were injured following separate blasts from March 1 to 3.

On March 3, An improvised explosive device exploded at a beauty parlour located just outside the compound of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao at around 6 a.m. while another blast, said to have been caused by a grenade, took place inside the sprawling compound.

The explosion wounded a civilian, Ibrahim Ismael, 18. The second explosion took place as authorities were investigating the cause of the first blast.

Earlier on March 1 three people were also wounded in a bomb explosion outside the regional office of the Government Service Insurance System along Gutierrez Street, just several blocks away from the ARMM compound.

In North Cotabato, Dave Potenciano and Jimboy Barte, employees of the China International Water and Electric Corporation, tasked to repair a national road were wounded in explosion caused by an improvised explosive device (IED) in Pigcawayan town. Eyewitnesses said two motorcycle-riding men were seen before an IED exploded on a construction's heavy equipment in the village of Balogo.

Both Barte and Potensiano sustained shrapnel wounds.

In January, an improvised bomb assembled from an 81mm mortar, exploded in downtown Cotabato, wounding two civilians.

Last January 10, Cotabato City Vice Governor Muslimin Sema was was ambushed and injured by armed men riding in tandem in a motorcycle in Cotabato City.

Cotabato City Mayor Japal Guiani Jr had been blamed for the attack.

Guiani had denied accusation.

Earlier, the attack carried out on Sema is feared to bring a rash of fresh hostilities in the volatile Central Mindanao area, which as it is, is already besieged by violence.

The Philippines is due to hold its midterm elections in May next year and among the contested posts are the posts of mayor and vice mayor.