Manila: A frigate purchased by the Philippines from the United States will be among the first ships in the world to be equipped with state-of-the art cannon systems.

A statement issued by the Philippine Embassy in Washington said the long range cutter, the BRP Ramon Alcaraz, will be equipped with two Mk38 Mod 2 automatic cannon systems.

“The Pentagon has awarded a $1.8 million (Dh6.60 million) contract for the purchase of modern weapons systems that would be installed in the BRP Ramon Alcaraz, the second high-endurance cutter that the Philippines recently acquired from the United States,” the statement said.

Capt Elson Aguilar, Naval Attache at the Office of the Defence and Armed Forces Attache at the Philippine Embassy, was quoted as saying that acquisition of the 25mm autocannons are part of a $24 million contract with BAE systems for the purchase of 21 units of the remotely controlled naval gun systems and spare parts for both the US and Philippine navies.

Two 25mm autocannons will be fitted on the BRP Ramon Alcaraz as part of the frigate’s air and surface defence system.

The BRP Alcaraz, which is expected to arrive in the Philippines in November, is a sister vessel of the BRP Gregorio del Pilar, aa 115 metre-long, 3,250 metric tonne Hamilton Class ship. The two vessels are the biggest and among the most modern in the country’s fleet. The Del Pilar is equipped with 76mm rapid fire guns aside from the 25mm automatic cannons. Both have helicopter decks.

“The Mk38 Mod 2 gun [25mm cannons], which was commissioned by the US Navy following the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in 2000, was designed to counter high-speed manoeuvring surface targets and will be installed in almost all US surface ships by 2015,” the Philippines Embassy in Washington said.

The Alcaraz will be deployed at a time of tension between the Philippines and China over a group of islands in the South China Sea (West Philippines Sea).

The embassy said the new weapon systems are upgraded versions of the Mk38 M242 Bushmasters (25mm cannons) that were removed from the vessel prior to its turnover to the Philippines. The remotely controlled chain gun system can fire as many as 180 25m rounds per minute at targets as far as two kilometres.

“The Mk38 Mod 2 will allow the Alcaraz and the Del Pilar to track and fire at targets automatically in both day and night using single shot, low speed or high-speed automatic fire,” Aguilar said, adding that the autocannon can be fired manually if the sensors are damaged or if the vessels lose power.

Aguilar said the vessel is presently awaiting the general overhaul of her port main diesel engine and further installation of navigational and electronics equipment.

According to Aguilar, both the Alcaraz and the Del Pilar are capable of conducting patrols for long periods of time and withstanding heavy weather and rough sea conditions.

The addition of the modern ships to the Philippines fleet will be a big boost for the navy which had long suffered the reputation of being among the most poorly equipped in Southeast Asia.