Image Credit: Gulf News

Manila: An order has been issued for the arrest of a Filipino former politician, in connection with the bombing of the House of Representatives, which killed three people, in November 2007.

Gerry Ajul Salapuddin, the former representative of the congressional district of Basilan in the southern Philippines, whose whereabouts are unknown, is the chief suspect in the November 13, 2007 bombing at the House of Representatives complex in Quezon City.

The blast killed then Basilan Representative Wahab Akhbar and four others and also resulted in the wounding of seven people, including Representative Luzviminda Ilagan.

A report by Bombo Radyo said a warrant for Salapuddin's arrest had been issued as early as 2008, several months after the bombing, but its enforcement was withheld after the former politician's lawyer sought a review of the court order before the Department of Justice.

The time for which has since lapsed without any substantial evidence being produced that would affect Salapuddin's case.

"It has been more than a year since the accused filed his Petition for Review with the Supreme Court without having obtained any relief or remedy that would warrant the suspension of the proceedings in this case," the judge stated.

"Therefore, in the absence of any directive from the Supreme Court, in the interest of justice, the proceedings in this case must move forward. A warrant of arrest against the accused is thus necessary to protect the rights of the people."

The court has not recommend bail for Salapuddin. The 58-year-old has denied having a hand in the bombing, although he admits that one of the individuals implicated in the blast, had worked as his personal driver.

Authorities have already arrested six suspects, including former mayor Hajaron Jamiri of Basilan's Tuburan town and a police officer.