Manila: President Benigno Aquino said the Philippine government plans to move its nationals to Japan in case the tense situation in the Korean peninsula deteriorates.

An estimated 50,000 Filipinos live and work in South Korea while nine were reportedly in North Korea.

Aquino has ordered the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to do test runs on the planned evacuation. The DFA was likewise directed to coordinate with the Japanese mission in Manila.

The armed forces was also ordered to place an air force C-130 cargo aircraft and a naval transport ship on standby in case there's an immediate need to ferry Filipinos out of Korea. Officials were also coordinating with private commercial airlines — Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific Airways — that operate flights to South Korea.

"The budget is being prepared in case it's needed but as of this time I just wanted them to make sure we are able to reach out to all of the people that we have there," Aquino said.

The United Nations also assured the safety of nine Filipinos in North Korea, said Aquino, adding that five of them are with the UN while the others work for a tobacco company.

The plans were finalised after Aquino's meeting with the Cabinet's security cluster at the persidential palace.

Aquino also issued a statement condemning North Korea's artillery attack on South Korea's Yeonpyeong island at the disputed sea border, where four people, including two South Korean marines, were killed.