After a decade of corruption-tainted politics, Filipinos stood in long lines Monday to elect a new leader, and surveys indicated they're pinning their hopes on the son of democracy icons who has electrified masses with his clean image and Aquino family name. Image Credit: AP

Manila: Scattered violence, long lines and glitches in the vote-counting machines used for the first time have failed to dissuade millions of Filipinos from voting as they seek a clean start after a decade of corruption-tainted politics.

Senator Benigno Aquino III - whose father was assassinated while opposing a dictatorship and whose late mother led the "people power" revolt that restored freedoms and swept her into power - commanded a large lead in the last pre-election polls.

Computer problems and pockets of violence that killed more than 30 people in the last three months was the main concern in elections Monday that officials hope will set a new standard for the Philippines' fragile democracy.