Stockhom: An angry ex-girlfriend reported a hoax bomb alert to Canadian police at the weekend that forced a Pakistan-bound plane to make an emergency landing in Stockholm.

Swedish tabloid newspaper Aftonbladet told on Monday how a 28-year-old Canadian man was briefly arrested in connection with the allegations but then released after no explosives were found.

The plane was flying from Toronto to Karachi.

The cleared suspect was going to Pakistan to get married. His ex-wife had called Canadian police, warning that he was carrying explosives because she was unhappy with their separation.

"From what I understood, an ex came forward with the claim, in connection with their separation. It was surely not a happy one," Stockholm police officer Haakan Westing, who could not be reached for comment on Monday, told Aftonbladet.

"She had [put] an evil eye on him," he said, adding that according to the cleared suspect's written statement he was going to get married in Pakistan.

The man is now expected to leave Sweden on Monday. There were media reports on Monday that he had been stopped from leaving Sweden because no airlines would take him following the scare. However the Swedish police chief said there was simply no room for the man on the plane. "That's not true," Lindgren said. "I think it’s a misunderstanding