Hollywood star Angelina Jolie visited Pakistan to draw world attention towards the plight of 20 million people affected by the country's worst-ever floods. Image Credit: AFP

Islamabad: The United Nations says Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie is visiting Pakistan to meet victims of the floods and highlight the need for international help.

"UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie arrived in Pakistan today to meet people affected by the floods and to highlight the continued urgent need for help," the agency said in a statement.

Jolie, the 34-year-old actress and roving envoy for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, would be travelling to affected communities in the northwest and would meet those involved in the relief efforts, it said.

This is the fourth visit by Jolie to Pakistan since she became a UNHCR goodwill ambassador in 2001.

International relief agencies sometimes enlist celebrities to draw attention to their work and get more funds. The celebrities get to soften their image by being associated with good causes.

Last week Jolie released a video message appealing for greater public support for Pakistan's relief efforts, and she has herself donated 100,000 dollars to the flood appeal.

The UNHCR is providing relief aid including shelter materials to those displaced by the disaster, which has killed 1,760 people by the official toll.