Members of Italy’s Democratic Party with a banner which translates as ‘You won’t have my daughter’ during a protest on Wednesday in Rome against Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi as they demand his resignation. Image Credit: AFP

Rome: More than 2,000 Italian women, including mothers and daughters, politicians, artists and others, have signed an online petition telling Premier Silvio Berlusconi that not all women in Italy are prostitutes or showgirls, in response to his encounters with a teenage Moroccan girl.

The campaign, entitled "Basta!" or "Enough!" is being coordinated by the leftist L'Unita newspaper, which is close to Italy's centre-left opposition. It was announced yesterday as criticism mounted against the premier over the scandal, including from the Catholic Church.

Prosecutors have placed Berlusconi and three associates under investigation, alleging he paid for sex with the 17-year-old girl and used his office to cover it up. Prosecutors have said Berlusconi had sex with several prostitutes during parties at his Milan estate.

Media blitz

The teenager, nicknamed Ruby, has begun a media blitz of her own to deny they ever had sex. On Wednesday she appeared on one of Berlusconi's television stations to refute reports, contained in wiretapped conversations published in Italian newspapers, that she asked Berlusconi for $5 million (Dh18.3 million) to keep quiet.

"I could do something exaggerated, but I could never arrive at a statement like that," she said.

She admitted though that he gave her $7,000 to help her out financially but said he "never put a finger on me." Yesterday under a headline ‘The Women's Revolt', L'Unita published what it said was a partial list of 2,000 Italian women who had signed its campaign to tell Berlusconi they'd had enough of his antics.

"There are other women," the paper wrote in an editorial, listing the names of prominent union leaders, opposition politicians, actresses, journalists and citing ordinary Italian mothers and daughters. "There are women who don't consider it a victory to go into a powerful man's home and come out having earned what a normal [person] earns with seven months of work."

The campaign is similar to the "I'm not at your disposal" campaign launched last year by left-leaning La Repubblica newspaper as another sex scandal swirled around Berlusconi.

It was sparked after Berlusconi insulted the looks of a middle-age, matronly opposition politician, Rosy Bindi, who shot back: "I'm not one of the women at your disposal."