Moscow: US President Barack Obama’s cancellation of a summit with Vladimir Putin represents a new low in US-Russia relations, which have been eroded not just by the row over US leaker Edward Snowden but a litany of other headaches.

Scrapping a summit is a move unprecedented in US-Russia ties since the Cold War and is bound to be taken as a personal slight against Putin by the Kremlin, which is a stickler for protocol and has already said it is “disappointed”.

Obama is still travelling to Saint Petersburg in early September for the G20 summit hosted by Russia but will not, as previously planned, go to Moscow beforehand for a bilateral summit with Putin.

“There is every sign that Washington and Moscow are moving to a serious chill in relations,” Lilya Shevtsova, a political analyst at the Carnegie Centre, told AFP.

“There are too many questions on which Russia and the United States cannot achieve even the slightest rapprochement.”

The United States scrapped the summit one week after Russia granted asylum to former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden who Washington wants to put on trial for leaking details of vast US surveillance programmes.

But the Snowden issue is not an isolated row and just the latest addition to an ever growing list of disputes that have clouded US-Russia relations ever since Putin returned to the Kremlin in May 2012 for a historic third term.

“The Snowden issue is just a pretext for cancelling the visit,” the Kommersant daily quoted a Kremlin source as saying. “The Americans are moving away from serious negotiations and their refusal will unavoidably have political consequences.”

“A frosty period has come for relations,” the source concluded.

Within less than a year, Russia has banned US families from adopting Russian children, forced NGOs financed from abroad to register as “foreign agents” and rushed through legislation outlawing “homosexual propaganda” for minors.

Meanwhile the two sides are at loggerheads over the conflict in Syria, with Moscow refusing to halt its cooperation with President Bashar Al Assad. A joint US-Russia plan for Geneva peace talks has so far come to nothing.

“All these questions have complicated US-Russia relations to such an extent that Putin and Obama have nothing to talk about in a bilateral meeting,” said Shevtsova.

While Obama and Putin have met on the sidelines of international gatherings, they have still failed to hold a full-scale bilateral summit as heads of state.

The United States is particularly riled to have received no response from Russia to proposals from Obama for new arms cuts, something he had envisaged as part of his historic legacy.

Obama is already known as no fan of globe-trotting international summitry and the risk now exists that he will lose interest in Russia policy for the remaining years of his second term until 2017.

The United States is currently not even requesting a bilateral meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Saint Petersburg, according to people familiar with the situation.

Conspicuously, the White House did not even wait to see the outcome of Friday’s meeting in Washington between the defence and foreign ministers from both countries before announcing the cancellation of the visit.