In this image released by the Site Intelligence Group on Sunday, Hakimullah Mehsud appears in a new video of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) vowing vengeance against America. Mehsud was believed to have been killed in January 2010 in a CIA drone attack. Image Credit: AFP

Islamabad: The leader of the Pakistani Taliban, Hakimullah Mehsud, reported killed in a CIA drone aircraft attack in January, has appeared alive in internet videos, threatening revenge suicide strikes in the United States.

The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has up to this point focused on fighting the Islamabad government and never yet proved capable of carrying out overseas operations.

Even so, the possibility the TTP may have global aspirations may worry Washington because of the group's ties with Al Qaida, which carried out the September 11, 2001, attacks in the United States and has bases along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

The warnings were posted on the internet on Sunday shortly after the TTP said it was responsible for an attempted car bomb attack in New York's Times Square on Saturday evening.

"The time is very near when our Fidayeen [fighters prepared to sacrifice themselves] will attack the American states in their major cities," warned Mehsud, who said the video was recorded on April 4.

"Our Fidayeen have penetrated the terrorist America. We will give extremely painful blows to the fanatic America."

No evidence

New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said there was "no evidence" to support the Taliban's claim. Police found the car bomb, defused on Saturday evening, in a sport utility vehicle in an area packed with tourists and theatre-goers.

The TTP remains defiant despite a series of Pakistani army offensives in the northwest, keeping up suicide bombings that have raised questions about stability in nuclear-armed Pakistan, an ally the US needs to help stabilise Afghanistan.

The group surprised observers with its apparent involvement in a suicide bombing near Khost in eastern Afghanistan on December 30. That strike killed seven US Central Intelligence Agency employees in the second worst attack in the spy agency's history.

Mehsud appeared in a farewell video with the Jordanian double agent who carried out the operation. His new appearance, the first since reports of his death in January, is bound to focus attention again on the group and its alliance with Al Qaida.

Brian Fishman, counter-terrorism research fellow at the New American Foundation, said Al Qaida's ties with the TTP were cause enough for concern, even if the Taliban lacked global reach.

"This is the threat from Al Qaida today: its ability to manipulate and influence existing militant groups rather than build up their own capacity," he said.

"Influencing other groups so those groups take on Al Qaida's mission to support Al Qaida's global goal."

Some analysts say the TTP is simply trying to rattle the United States, Pakistani government and ordinary Pakistanis, many of whom reject its violence. Offensives have hurt the group, the army says.

"They are just telling the world they can do anything, that they're important," said Mansur Khan Mahsud, head researcher at Islamabad's Fata research group.

"By releasing these videos or claiming the responsibility for attacks in America, they are trying to show the people they are good mujahideen [holy warriors], and they are powerful."

The Pakistan Taliban came under renewed pressure yesterday after security forces killed 16 militants in clashes in the northwestern lawless regions, government officials said. In another incident, at least three militants were killed when a pilotless drone aircraft fired missiles at their vehicle in the northwest, intelligence officials said.

The TTP said it planted the Times Square bomb to avenge the killing in April of Al Qaida's two top leaders in Iraq as well as US interference in Muslim countries. "Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan takes responsibility for the attack in America with pride and valour," said Qari Hussain, the notorious mentor of Taliban suicide bombers, in one of the tapes, which did not refer specifically to the Times Square incident.

In April 2009, the FBI ruled out a TTP claim that it was behind a shooting attack on a US immigration assistance centre in New York state in which 13 people were killed.

Kamran Bokhari, regional director for the Middle East and South Asia at Stratfor global intelligence firm, described the latest Taliban claim as bogus. "That said, these claims and the attack on that CIA facility [in Afghanistan] show that the TTP is very much a part of the Al Qaida-led transnational jihadist movement," he said.