Mumbai: Indian super star Shah Rukh Khan yesterday told the Indian film industry to learn a few lessons from Hollywood by adopting the latter's discipline, organisational skills and technology.

"Organisation exists in business but is woefully lacking in the business of entertainment," he told more than 2,000 Indian and foreign delegates at the FICCI Frames 2010 global convention of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry which started yesterday.

The three-day event will cover films, broadcast, digital entertainment, animation and the entire gamut of entertainment.

Delivering the keynote address at the convention, Khan remarked that the India must welcome "Hollywood with open arms and make alliances. We should allow Hollywood films to be made here because the investment, by their standards, would not be high."


He also pointed that in spite of India being the biggest country in the manufacture of software, Bollywood was lagging in the use of technology.

"We have the means to buy the machines but do not have trained people. We need Hollywood to help develop this industry." He added that the connection between Hollywood and Bollywood should not be about just investment. "We need their knowledge, too."

Khan said, "I remember when I met Will Smith, an actor who does just two films a year, I asked how he picks his films, he simply said, ‘on the basis of creative satisfaction and a great superstar for a co-star.'"