New Delhi: The stage is all set for the legislative assembly elections in the northern state Himachal Pradesh. As the state goes to polls on November 4, the war of words between the two main warring factions, the state’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the principal opposition Congress Party has reached its crescendo.

Though charges and counter charges against various political leaders are flying thick and fast, the BJP leader and Chief Minister of the Himalayan state, Prem Kumar Dhumal is nonchalant. For, he is certain about his win.

Known to have done a lot of development work, especially the widespread networking of roads, in the state, he has more growth plans lined up. And the electorate is aware of it. Considered a grassroots leader and a hard worker, Dhumal has the rare distinction of being the only BJP leader to complete a full term as Chief Minister of the state. In fact, twice over.

He was a lecturer at a private college in Punjab before joining the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJP’s youth wing) and becoming its Vice President in 1982. He joined electoral politics two years later.

Despite his busy schedule, he takes out time to speak to Gulf News in an exclusive interview.


GULF NEWS: According to your own assessment, what promises made to the electorate earlier have been fulfilled and where have you failed?

PREM KUMAR DHUMAL: Firstly, the question of failure does not arise. We adopted the manifesto for 2007 elections as a policy document and all the promises made in it were fulfilled within 33 months. Thereafter, we went ahead and worked beyond our promises. We provided people with CFL bulbs in order to conserve electricity and offered a new lifeline to them through 100 plus ambulances. In addition, the daily wages of the workers were raised and the farmers were supported through various schemes.


You have been planning an international airport in Himachal Pradesh with an eye on visitors from the Middle East. How will it benefit the state?

We are pursuing the matter aggressively with the central government. Having an international airport will not only promote tourism, but will also help our local businessmen and farmers. It will be a boon for craftspersons, as they will be able to promote their products and expand their supply chain.


What other development plans do you have for the state if you come to power again?

My mission is to lead the state in the area of Hydro-electric power, as we have not yet tapped even half of the state’s hydro power. Also, we see huge potential of both – solar and wind power. These need to be explored keeping environmental issues and policies in mind. Looking at the future, I see power as a growth tool, which not only ensures quality of life to people, but also attracts industries, thereby, contributing to the economic development of the state.


Any plans for the youth of the state?

Higher education is a key focus area. We intend to offer new job opportunities to the youth and provide them loans at low interest rate of 2 per cent. Also, since a substantial part of Himachal’s economy and local business is tourism-driven, we intend to create job opportunities for the youth in this sector. Currently, tourism is confined to few towns, though there are numerous unexplored places in the state deserving to be on the tourist map.


Official data claims Himachal has around 59,000 unemployed youth with masters’ degrees, more than 100,000 graduates and thousands of unemployed matriculates. How do you propose to tackle the situation of employment?

During the last five years, we have been able to provide 2,50,000 new employment avenues to the youth, which is many notches higher than the previous (Congress Party) government. Their figure touched a mere 3386. Our focus now is also on promoting self-employment and entrepreneurship. Job fairs are held in the state at regular intervals. Our manifesto mentions providing 10,00,000 employment opportunities in the times ahead and we shall keep our promise.


But is it not correct that with half the voters below 40 years, the government is in a dilemma as despite creating education infrastructure, there are few job avenues?

We have given the state various new engineering and medical institutions and the National Institute of Fashion Technology. During my tenure, 15 new private universities have been set up along with a central university. We are committed to expanding job avenues, as much as we are focusing on enhancing the skills of the students in this technology driven age.


Why is it that in most states farmers are the most deprived and neglected segment of society?

No, it is not true in our context. We have supported them through various schemes including constructing polyhouses for them. In fact, we are proud that our efforts in the field of agriculture were recognised at the national level. Being a hilly state, access to infrastructure has been a challenge. This has been countered by initiatives like Deen Dyal Upadhyay Kisan Bagwan Yojana, which ensures that farmers have access to world-class infrastructure. We have progressed while keeping a check on environmental sustainability at all times. And in recognition for this, have received over 70 awards. And on numerous occasions we have set benchmarks for others to adopt and follow.




• Prem Kumar Dhumal was born on April 10, 1944 to mother Phulmu Devi and father Captain Mahant Ram in Samirpur village of district Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.

• He is a two time Chief Minister – from 1998-2003 and again since 2007.

• He is the 12th chief minister of the state.

• He is fondly referred to as the ‘Green Chief Minister’ for introducing various environment-friendly schemes.

