Dubai: Chief architects behind the eighth annual Arab Youth Survey say the research study provides hard facts to help governments and businesses across the Middle East formulate policies for now and the future.

In a press conference on Tuesday at the release of the survey, chief executives behind the survey said the compilation of 3,500 face-to-face interviews in 16 countries in the region have helped paint a composite of issues for Arab youth.

One of the largest youth demographics in the world, Arabs between the ages of 18-24, number 200 million across the Middle East.

Sunil John, CEO of Asda’a Burson Marsteller, who has led the survey every year since its initial release in 2008, said the survey is good for those who “want to look at trending data and what the hot buttons are”.


John told reporters that the launch of the report is a “very special moment for us”.

Jeremy Galbraith, CEO of Burson-Marsteller Europe, Middle East and Africa, said the new survey “gives Arab youth a platform in which their voices can be heard”.

Galbraith said the survey will help governments and businesses across the region “develop strategy to reach out to youth based on hard facts”.