Abu Dhabi: The Abu Dhabi Police Medical Services Department will launch an initiative today (Sunday) aimed at raising awareness about chronic diseases through the Health Authority — Abu Dhabi’s (Haad) ‘Weqaya’ programme.

Weqaya is a screening programme that identifies cardiovascular risk factors and assists in improving the individual’s health. The website gives access to a personal Weqaya health report, explanation of screening results and access to information and services directly relevant to one’s health status.

Lt Col Dr Najla Asaad Taher, head of the Initiative of Early Detection of Chronic Diseases and Cancer, said that the initiative will present ways to prevent long-lasting conditions such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure as well as raise awareness among members of the police and their families through educational tours, a series of lectures and field visits.

She also highlighted the urgency of executing a check-up through Weqaya for people to be aware of their medical state and evaluate the necessary next steps based on the results.

Dr Najla explained that the earlier the symptoms of a chronic disease are detected the better, particularly when it comes to heart attacks and strokes, as they are the leading causes of deaths in the UAE, according to official statistics.

She added that through Weqaya, people can receive a detailed report outlining their medical state and the ‘extent of protection’ needed, within five days from their last health check-up.

The report’s findings are usually based on a ‘traffic light’ system. Green indicates that the results are normal; yellow shows that the results are slightly below average; and red means that the person is in serious need of health assistance.

The results also outline blood sugar levels, risk of diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure, among others, all of which are factors contributing to cardiovascular diseases.

Weqaya also provides tips on how patients can enhance their health status.

Meanwhile, Colonel Jasem Al Tunaiji, director of the Abu Dhabi Police Medical Services Department, said that this initiatives stems from the department’s keenness to provide the best medical and counselling services.

He also lauded the number of health and educational-related programmes that the Haad has implemented.