Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General Image Credit: AP

Ramallah, West Bank: Israeli colony building anywhere on the occupied land is illegal and must be stopped, UN chief Ban Ki-moon said yesterday, after getting a closer look at some of the Israeli enclaves scattered across Palestinian-claimed territories.

During a high-profile West Bank visit, Ban was escorted to an observation point by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.

From the hill on the outskirts of the Palestinian city of Ramallah, the UN secretary-general was able to see the sprawling Israeli West Bank colony of Givat Zeev, home to 11,000 Israelis who live in rows of red-roofed houses.

The panorama also included Jewish neighbourhoods in traditionally occupied Arab east Jerusalem, the Israeli-annexed sector of the city that Palestinians claim as a future capital.

Devising solutions

The brief geography lesson came a day after Ban, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and other major Mideast mediators known as the Quartet met in Moscow to try to find a way to restart Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

The mediators urged Israel to halt all colonies' construction, which has emerged as a key obstacle to renewing talks.

Israel has agreed to curb colony construction in the West Bank, but not in occupied east Jerusalem, claiming the entire city as Israel's eternal capital.

Yesterday, Ban rejected Israel's distinction between occupied east Jerusalem and the West Bank, noting that both are occupied lands.

"The world has condemned Israel's settlement [colony] plans in [occupied] east Jerusalem," Ban told a news conference after his brief tour. "Let us be clear. All settlement [colony] activity is illegal anywhere in occupied territory and must be stopped."

The UN chief reassured his Palestinian hosts that the international community supports the establishment of a Palestinian state, and also expressed concern about what he said was a worsening humanitarian situation in Hamas-ruled Gaza.

Earlier this month, Israelis and Palestinians had agreed to indirect talks, with US envoy George Mitchell to shuttle between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

However, the indirect talks were put on hold after Israel announced plans to build 1,600 new houses for Jews in occupied east Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, Mitchell is returning to the region over the weekend and is planning to brief Abbas on US efforts. Abbas has said he will not negotiate with Israel directly unless it freezes all colony construction, including in occupied east Jerusalem.

Ban said Saturday that he hopes the indirect talks will be launched very soon.