Mikati, a billionaire businessman with close relations to Syria is emerging as a candidate favoured by Hezbollah to head Lebanon's next government. Image Credit: AP

Dubai: The opposition forces in Lebanon on Monday announced former prime minister Najeeb Mikati as their candidate for premiership, while Secretary General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallh vowed to form a national government if their candidate wins the parliamentary election.

And in a statement, Mikati, who is 55 years old and served as prime minister for three months in April 2005, declared himself a candidate of moderation and from equal distance from the two coalitions, adding "my candidacy is not against anyone, but an opportunity to reconnect what was lost between the leaders."

Members of caretaker Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri's coalition said they viewed Mikati's candidacy as "treason" given that he was elected to parliament as a member of Hariri's coalition.

As reported by Al Jazeera reporter in Beirut that Minister Mohammad Safadi, MP Qassim Abdul Aziz and MP Ahmad Karami will vote with Mikati on Monday, and then the opposition will get a comfortable majority in the parliament.

And with the support of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, it is most likely that Hezbollah and its allies (known as the forces of March 8) will be able to exclude Sa'ad Hariri from forming a new government.