Baghdad: Two car bombs struck Shiites on Monday in an Iraqi holy city, killing at least 18 people as crowds massed for religious rituals marking the end of a 40-day mourning period for a saint.

The blasts in Karbala were the latest in nearly a week of attacks that have killed at least 159 people. The uptick in violence has shattered a lengthy period of calm and raised anew concerns about the readiness of Iraqi forces to take over their own security ahead of a full withdrawal by the US military.

The first attack occurred about 7am in a parking lot near busloads of visitors on the eastern outskirts of Karbala, 90km south of Baghdad. Police and hospital officials said that six people were killed and 34 people wounded in that attack.

Another bomb was discovered nearby and dismantled before it could explode, police said.

More than four hours later, a second explosion struck visitors on the southern edge of the city, killing at least 12 people, including 10 Shiites and two soldiers, and wounding 21, the officials said.

There is a vehicle ban in Karbala for the holy period so Shiites are dropped off at parking lots and walk in.

The police and hospital officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to release the information.

Monday's attacks followed a triple suicide bombing last week along two highways leading to Karbala that killed 56 and wounded at least 180 - most of them Shiites.

Hundreds of thousands of Shiites are gathering in Karbala for Monday's ceremonies marking the end of Arbaeen, a 40-day mourning period to observe the seventh century death of the Imam Hussain.

No group claimed responsibility for Monday's blast, but car bombs and suicide attacks are the trademark of Al Qaida in Iraq and other Sunni extremists.

Those groups have frequently targeted Shiites in a bit to re-ignite sectarian violence that pushed the country to the brink of civil war.