Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, wears eye protection goggles as he visits an exhibition of Iran's laser science, in Tehran, Iran. Image Credit: AP

Moscow: Russian news reports are quoting the nation's security chief as saying that Iran's decision to enrich uranium to higher levels has added to doubts about its nuclear program.

Russian news agencies quoted Nikolai Patrushev as urging Iran to assuage international concerns about its uranium enrichment effort.

World powers fear that the Iranian program might be a cover for building atomic weapons.

Russia had opposed the US push for new sanctions against Iran, but it has showed signs recently of edging closer to Washington.

Patrushev on Tuesday also warned that there is a threat of war against Iran. He pointed out that Israel, in particular, has refused to rule out the use of force.

Patrushev is the secretary of Russia's Security Council, a presidential advisory body.