Tehran:  Iran will use domestically produced uranium concentrates for the first time at a key plant in its nuclear programme on Sunday, state media reported, a day before the Islamic state resumes talks with world powers.

The news appeared designed to signal Iran's determination to press ahead with its nuclear activities, which it says are for peaceful power generation but the West fears are aimed at making bombs, ahead of the December 6-7 meeting in Geneva.

Iranian state television said that on Sunday Iranian experts would use yellowcake, a uranium concentrate powder, processed in the country, at the Isfahan conversion plant. It has previously used yellowcake bought from South Africa in the 1970s.

The enriched uranium required for use in nuclear reactors or weapons is produced in centrifuges that spin uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6) at high speeds. The UF6 is derived in a reaction from yellowcake, a concentrate processed from mined uranium ore.