Cairo: Egypt's military rulers on Sunday ordered the country's two houses of parliament to convene on March 3 to select a constituent assembly to be tasked with drafting a new constitution for the country, state television reported.

The order was read out by Saad Al Katatni, the Speaker of the People's Assembly, the lower house of the parliament, at the beginning of the legislature's session on Sunday, added the report.

The Islamists hold more than two thirds of the parliament, which means they will have an influential say in the composition of the panel, say observers.

The liberal opposition is pushing that half of the panel's members are to be picked from the lawmakers, while the other half to be selected from public figures, including the minority Christians.

The new constitution will be put up to a public vote, the exact date of which has not yet been set.

The ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces suspended Egypt's constitution after taking over from long-standing president Hosni Mubarak who was forced to step down last February after a popular revolt.