Dubai: Yemen's foreign minister acknowledged the United States has launched attacks on Al Qaida in his country in an interview published on Thursday, the first confirmation from Sana'a of a US military role.

Abu Bakr Al Kurbi told the Saudi-owned pan-Arab daily Al Hayat that the US strikes were suspended in December because his government viewed them as counterproductive.

"Fighting Al Qaida is the responsibility of security and anti-terrorism forces in Yemen," Kurbi said.

However, the New York Times reported in mid August that the US military carried out a secret air strike in May against a suspected Al Qaida target in Yemen, killing a deputy provincial governor in the process.

According to the paper, the strike was a secret mission by the US military, and was at least the fourth such assault on Al Qaida in the mountains and deserts of Yemen since December.

The United States operates a major counter-terrorism base in Djibouti just across the strategic Bab Al Mandab strait from Yemen.

In the interview, Kurbi also said that while Yemen had launched a manhunt for US-born jihadist preacher Anwar Al Awlaqi, who is on a US most-wanted list, it would not hand him over if it succeeded in capturing him.

"Awlaqi is in an area where we are conducting operations against Al Qaida, and he is among those targeted for arrest in these operations," the Yemeni foreign minister said.

"The US has already requested the extradition of other Yemenis holding US citizenship, but we refused because the Yemeni constitution prohibits the extradition of a Yemeni citizen to a third country. This applies to Awlaqi."

In April, a US official said the Obama administration had authorised the targeted killing of Awlaqi, after intelligence agencies concluded the Muslim cleric was directly involved in anti-US plots.

Born in the southwestern US state of New Mexico, Awlaqi, 39, rose to prominence last year after he was linked a US army major who shot dead 13 people in Fort Hood, Texas, and to a Nigerian student accused of trying to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight on December 25.