Sana'a: Yemen said Thursday that western media has been exaggerating the threat of Al Qaida in Yemen.

In an official statement carried by the State-run news agency (Saba), it said that combating terrorism and Al Qaida will always be the responsibility of its security forces.

It denied American reports that Al Qaida in Yemen has become more dangerous than Pakistan.

"Some American and western media bodies exaggerate Al Qaida and its threats to stability and security of Yemen and to the interests of the brotherly and friendly countries," said the statement.

The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal quoted on Wednesday unnamed CIA officials that Al Qaida in Yemen has become more dangerous to US than Pakistan and special operations should be started in Yemen using drones.

"The Yemeni forces, with support from brothers and friends, will be able to take full responsibility for combating the elements of Al Qaida and those who support them," said the statement.

"Al Qaida is suffering big losses, be it through pre-emptive strikes being implemented by the security agencies or the surrender of a number of leaders or arrests of others during continuous hunts and tightening of the noose on them."

"These reports might have something to do with mid-term elections in the US, but it will not affect the Yemeni government's policy of combating terrorism or cooperation with the international community to combat it without affecting Yemen's sovereignty and its constitution and laws."

These developments came after fierce confrontations between Yemen's security forces and Al Qaida militants in the town of Lawdar, Abyan province south of Yemen. More than 30 people were killed in those confrontations which started on August 20.

On Wednesday, August 25, Al Qaida operatives killed four soldiers and injured two others in the heart of the capital of Abyan Zinjibar, according to an official statement.