Sana'a: The US has pledged to support Yemen to overcome the effects of the political crisis as a senior American diplomat was expected to be in Sana'a on Sunday.

American ambassador in Yemen Gerald M. Feierstein met on Sunday with the country's president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, Saba News Agency reported.

The American ambassador told Hadi that his country is working to strengthen relationship with Yemen and is committed to help Yemen citizens return to their normal life.

Also, US Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman was expected to arrive at the Yemen capital on Sunday to meet with Hadi and other senior government officials, as well as youth leaders, women activists and members of the media, said a media note on US Department of State website.

"This trip provides an opportunity to highlight the US commitment to Yemen's political transition as well as the need for the transition process to allow broad participation by the Yemeni people."

Yemen pins high hopes on America and other donors' assistance to help the country kick-start its weak economy and fight an Al Qaida's offshoot.