Sana'a: A Yemeni court on Saturday upheld a death sentence and two jail terms for three men accused of spying for Israel.

Bassam Abdullah Al Haidari, the alleged ring leader in his late twenties, was sentenced to death.

Ali Abdullah Al Azzi Mahfal's five-year sentence was reduced to three years, while Emad Ali Saad Hamoud Al Raimi's three year sentence was upheld.

Al Haidari was accused of email correspondence with the office of Ehud Olmert, Israel's Prime Minister at the time.

The prosecutor read out to the courtroom one of the e-mails sent by Al Haidari.

"We are the Islamic Jihad organization, and you are Jews, but you are truthful and we are ready to support you as your agents in the Middle East."

The three men who were initially charged in March 2009, were also accused of sending false information to foreign embassies and television stations, claiming responsibility for terrorist acts in Yemen against foreign interests.