Al Ain: A rough patch has again destabiliSed weather conditions across the emirates and the national weather bureau on Sunday warned people to stay away from the sea.

The Arabian Gulf waters are rough to very rough offshore on Sunday and conditions are also strongly windy. It could be dangerous to ride small boats and fishing trawlers in several meter high waves.

The National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) said winds speed could reach 55km/h in the coastal and mountainous areas at times. The weather will be partly cloudy and hazy in general and Shamal (north-westerly) winds will blow all over the country.

Strong winds could also kick up dust and sand especially in the western areas, reducing visibility at times.

The centre also forecast a significant fall in temperature under the influence of the cold winds. Relative humidity is also likely to increase in the internal areas at night and early on Monday morning.