The extreme humidity has been unrelenting for the past several days and was expected to take a few more days to drop Image Credit: GN Archive

Al Ain: Unpleasantly humid conditions have been gripping the country, particularly in the evenings and early mornings, as winds carry moisture inland from the sea.

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The weather has been unrelenting in terms of humidity over the last few days and it's expected to take a few more days before it eases off. The chance of early morning fog is also high and drivers have been advised to be cautious.

A duty forecaster said Dubai, Abu Dhabi and other coastal areas will experience unpleasant evenings with humidity as high as 95 per cent. People with asthma and other breathing problems have been warned to take care if going out in the open.

Humidity levels

Well-known for its low humidity levels and the relatively cooler evening temperatures, the city of Al Ain has also been experiencing high levels of humidity at night. Forecasters say levels are expected to range from 25 to 60 per cent in general in the coastal areas, but could go up to 95 per cent. Similarly, humidity will be between 10 and 25 per cent most of the time in the inland areas with the chance that it could go up to 99 per cent at peak time.

According to the National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) in Abu Dhabi, the weather will be hot and hazy during the day. It will become a little milder at night, but with increased humidity levels.

Wind speeds will be normal but they could result in dust and sand in some inland open areas, affecting horizontal visibility to some extent.

The highest temperature along the coastal areas, according to the NCMS, will be a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 25 degrees Celsius, while temperatures in inland areas will range between 22 and 43 degrees Celsius respectively.

Conditions are expected to be pleasant in the mountainous regions.