Is a microwave similar to mobile phone?

According to the Environmental Working Group, Microwave ovens use the same form of radiation as cellphones. Most microwave ovens operate at a frequency of 2. 45 gigahertz. Bluetooth devices and many cordless phones use the same frequency range. Some radiation always escapes from microwave ovens during operation, although recent models emit less.

“Your exposure to radiation from cellphones is very different from that experienced using a microwave oven. A person typically holds a cellphone next to his ear or in a pocket. Radiation is absorbed directly into the head, brain or soft tissue. In contrast, even when you stand near a microwave oven, there are inches or a foot or more between your body and the oven. Radiation weakens significantly across that air gap.

“Distance matters. That’s why EWG recommends you hold the cellphone away from your body when talking, whether with a headset or in speaker mode.”