Dubai: A Physical Education teacher at GEMS Dubai American Academy completed a 24 hour bike ride around the school's premisis to raise funds for a Nairobi slum, Kibera.

Hundreds of students cheered Brendan Matheson, who began cycling on Wednesday, March 28 at 12pm and finished at 12pm on Thursday, March 29. During the 24 hour ride he only stopped for five minutes every hour to hydrate himself, and for 30 minutes every five hours to eat, stretch and use washroom.

The project was supported by GEMS International Schools and Varkey GEMS Foundation, which is trying to raise funds to rebuild the school in Arica's largest slum.

'Overwhelming support'

Talking about his achievement following his stunt Matheson said, "The support that I have been shown has been overwhelming and I am glad that we can make a difference to the school in Kibera."

The school is currently attended by over 1000 impoverished pupils (64% of whom are orphans) and is in desperate need of reconstruction and new resources.

This is not the first time Matheson took up a challenge for a cuase, previously he completed a few big mountain climbs in order to raise money and awareness for Multiple Sclerosis.