Image Credit: Oliver Clarke, Gulf News

Hey I’m lazy, and guess what, my abdominal muscles are lazier than me. They are the laziest muscles in the body. Millions of people all over the planet struggle to maintain flat abs. A hunch and a paunch are an absolute no-no. Today, we will take a look at yogic techniques for flat abs.


  • Lie on back and place hands by the side. Those with lower back pain can place their palms under buttocks and keep knees bent. Keep legs at 90 degrees and hold for ten seconds. Lower legs to the floor and up- 20 counts.
  • Raise legs to 60 degrees and hold for ten seconds. This is one round. Repeat 20 times.
  • Follow the same procedure with legs raised to 30 degrees.
  • Hug knees towards chest and relax.


  • Sit on the floor with legs outstretched.
  • Press your hands on the floor, behind your hips, fingers pointing towards feet. Lift your legs with knees bent and lean back slightly. As you do this, make sure your spine is straight.
  • Try to straighten knees and keep palms in line with knees and tuck tailbone in to keep back straight. Hold for 10-15 seconds.
  • Please note: Those with a lower back pain should keep knees bent while holding the posture.

Plank pose

  • Lie on stomach, elbows bent and close to body, hands beside chest, toes tucked in.
  • Raise entire body by straightening arms and doing a push-up.
  • Keep body straight, move it forward shifting weight to upper body.
  • Keep toes in a fixed position. Hold 10-30 seconds, breathe normally.
  • Place knees on floor, relax hands, sit back on heels.

Dolphin plank

  • Come on all fours with elbows on the floor. Clasp fingers and slowly get into a push-up position on elbows. Keep body straight, move it forward shifting weight to upper body.
  • Keep toes in a fixed position. Hold for 10-30 seconds, breathe normally.
  • Place knees on floor, relax hands, sit back on heels.

Plank to Dolphin plank

  • Begin with plank pose, hold for five seconds. Move into a dolphin plank pose. Hold for five seconds and move back to plank posture. Switch from plank to dolphin plank 8-10 times, holding each posture for five seconds.


  • Lie on your stomach with hands next to your chest and feet together.
  • Rest forehead on floor. Raise head, neck and shoulders.
  • Arch back and look upwards. Breathe in while coming up. Exhale and come down. This is one round. Repeat up to five rounds.
  • Please note: Make sure you end with Bhujangasana to relax and strengthen your back.

Kapal Bhati

  • Sit cross-legged, palms on knees. Inhale deeply.
  • Breathe out through nostrils. These are bellow breaths, you are forcefully breathing out and simultaneously your abdominal muscles are being contracted.
  • As you get accustomed to this kriya, the speed must grow rapidly.
  • Please note: Quick Kapal Bhati will happen with ease only if you keep the abdomen contracted throughout.