Abu Dhabi: The Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) is asking for the cooperation of residents to ensure food safety during Eid and throughout the extended holidays.

Some food establishments tend to violate food safety regulations on such busy occasions, especially while transporting food items, a senior official told Gulf News.

"Our inspectors keep a tight watch ahead of Eid and even until the end of the holidays, but we need the cooperation of the public who [also serve as] our eyes on market," said Mohammad Jalal Al Reyaysa, Manager of Communication and Information Department at ADFCA.

"The government sector is taking a long holiday for Eid and the National Day, so businesses tend to be negligent, thinking that official machinery is weak during holidays," Al Reyaysa said. He said inspectors will be on duty round the clock even during the holidays to deal with any complaints on food safety.

Lax attitude

He explained that some establishments adopt a lax attitude [on food safety rules] as they have to meet the huge demand for food items ahead of Eid.

To meet the demand, they transport the food items in ordinary vehicles [which should not carry food items], said the official.

The official said food items have to be transported in vehicles which are licensed by ADFCA.

Al Reyaysa explained that frozen chicken, fish and the like should be transported in vehicles fitted with freezers.

"Fresh juices, fish and the like should be kept at a temperature between zero and four degree Celsius. Fresh vegetables and fruits have to be kept at zero to 21 degrees Celsius and cold bread up to seven degrees," he said.

To complain or report any food safety violation call the Abu Dhabi Government toll-free line: 800555

Temperature requirement for food stuff during transportation

  • Frozen chicken, fish -18 degree Celsius (minus eighteen degree)
  • Fresh juices, fish etc - zero to 4 degree Celsius
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits - zero to 21 degree C
  • Cold bread - up to seven degrees
  • Water, juices, milk etc having long expiry dates- 10 to 22 degree. 

  Tips during outdoor picnics

Mohammad Jalal Al Reyaysa, Manager of Communication and Information Department at Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) gives the following tips to holidaymakers who are planning to venture out on picnics.

- Pack all food items separately to avoid cross contamination.

- On distant travel, keep food on an ice bed, and be sure that it's exposed to a cold air.

- While travelling, try to keep food containers closed.

- Don't forget to wash hands before eating.

- Separate raw food from cooked food and use different serving plates for either items