Abu Dhabi: The UAE has always been keen on ensuring justice for all the nationalities since the nation's foundation, said Lt. General Shaikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior.

As he received the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, in his office on Monday, Shaikh Saif expressed his pleasure about her visit, especially the UAE has signed the agreements and protocols on human rights in the light of its sustained efforts to eradicate all forms of racial discrimination and human trafficking.

Shaikh Saif underlined that "the world humanitarian values are not new to our local community, our Arab heritage and our religious teachings that call for solidarity among human beings".

The meeting touched on efforts made by the UAE to boost human rights through the country's clear policies on safety, security and good living conditions to all the nationalities. It also discussed the UAE efforts to provide good living conditions for workers in line with the protection of labour rights.

On her part, Pillay commended sincerity and candidness of the ministry of Interior in tackling the issues of human rights, describing the meeting as "fruitful and constructive initiative, especially the commission has met one of the important leaders in charge of enforcement of the legislative and legal policies ensuring the human rights".

She hailed the UAE humanitarian achievements being deemed a living example for international cooperation in this respect, citing the creation of competent Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Interior.

Pillay added that the department will also deal with the organised crimes, cyber crimes and others.

The UN official referred to unique position of Emirati women, who occupy ministerial posts and different positions in the judiciary.

Pillay expressed her satisfaction about transparency position of the ministry of Interior, which pledged to cooperate with the commission in any case reported to the international body, referring to the UAE government's commitment to support the efforts of commission through training and exchange of information to serve the interest of local and international communities.

She praised the UAE’s efforts and initiatives to protect the rights of expatriate workers.

Some of these initiatives were also explained to her in detail by the UAE Minister of Labour Saqr Ghubash, who affirmed the country’s commitment to meet international standards in the protection of workers’ rights.

Pillay also paid special tribute on Sunday to the progressive role played by UAE women in the development of the country.

"Women in the UAE have gained their substantial rights through their engagement in the national action and their contribution to the nation-building," she added.

The presence of UAE women, who occupy four Ministerial portfolios and nine seats in the Federal National Council (FNC), "in universities and government and private employment sector is much higher than their peer male," she said.

Earlier, she was briefed by the UAE Minister of Justice Dr Hadef Al Daheri on the laws and legislations enacted by the UAE "to protect the dignity and rights of individuals and institutions through a just, effective and fair legal system."

"The UAE has a keen interest in providing dignified life and protection to rights for its nationals and expatriates alike, regardless of nationality and cultural affiliations," the minister explained.