Vienna: The United Arab Emirates is developing its peaceful nuclear energy programme to address the increasing domestic demand in electricity.

The decision to commence this programme was based on an extensive assessments of all available alternatives, in terms of economic, environmental feasibility, sustainability, and its contribution to economic diversity.

"UAE decision to embark on this programme took into account all associated regional and international obligations, with the assurance of highest standards of safety, security and nuclear non-proliferation as main pillars", said Dr. Anwar Gargash Minister of State for Foreign Affairs while addressing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 54th General Conference here in Vienna.

He said: "We renew our confidence in the leading role that the Agency plays in supporting the expansion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and our readiness to support the work of the Agency in this regard".

The UAE Government hopes to establish a model for other countries that do not possess nuclear energy programmes to be able to develop national nuclear energy programmes with the full support and confidence of the international community, Dr. Gargash remarked.

"UAE considers international partnership and cooperation as the cornerstone for the success of nuclear energy programmes. This was a main pillar of the UAE Policy .We believe that the technologically advanced countries should make increasing efforts to facilitate the uses of peaceful nuclear energy to the less advanced countries", he added.

Full text of Gargash's speech:

Mr. President, IAEA Director General, Members of the Conference Office , Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.

At the outset, I would like to express on behalf of the United Arab Emirates our sincere congratulations for your election as President of the IAEA's fifty fourth general conference session and our confidence in your ability in leading this conference to achieve the desirable out come. Please allow me to express gratitude to Mr. Yukiya Amano, IAEA Director General for his leading role towards the achievement of the agencies goals.

Mr President.

The IAEA plays an essential role in fulfilling its duty to promote the use of peaceful applications of nuclear energy, which is a vital aspect in ensuring today's global energy security that directly contributes to economic development. Moreover, the IAEA plays a vital role in the development of human resources and the exchange of experts and expertise in nuclear applications, alongside the development of required infrastructure in member states. The IAEA's engagement in theses roles have contributed significantly in the development and expansion in the use of peaceful nuclear technology while ensuring nuclear non- proliferation.

The United Arab Emirates is developing its peaceful nuclear energy program to address the increasing domestic demand in electricity. The decision to commence this program was based on an extensive assessments of all available alternatives , in terms of economic, environmental feasibility, sustainability , and its contribution to economic diversity. Furthermore, UAE decision to embark on this program took into account all associated regional and international obligations, with the assurance of highest standards of safety, security and nuclear non-proliferation as main pillars .

The United Arab Emirates' awareness of the very unique responsibilities and conditions associated with the use of nuclear technology and materials resulted in the development and publishing in April 2008 the policy document entitled "Policy of the United Arab Emirates on the Evaluation and Potential Development of Peaceful Nuclear Energy". This Policy outlines series of strategies and obligations the UAE Government has undertaken to develop, in a very responsible manner , its nuclear program. The United Arab Emirates has adopted a number of main principles that include full operational transparency and commitment to the highest standards of nuclear safety, security and non-proliferation, working directly with the IAEA and responsible nations of expertise and develop the program with a vision of long term sustainability . To translate these aspirations , the United Arab Emirates has taken many pioneering steps, amongst which is the decision to forgo the development of domestic enrichment and reprocessing capabilities.

The United Arab Emirates grants high importance to the principle of operational transparency in developing its nuclear program. This was a core element of the UAE policy .The development and the publishing of the policy document was a first step to achieve this . This step came in parallel with a number of other steps such as the establishment of an international advisory board of distinctive international experts . The board will evaluate the progress of the UAE program and publish findings and recommendations to local and international community.

Further major steps ,In December 2009, Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation awarded a contract to South Korean consortium to design, construct, and jointly operate first four nuclear power reactors in the UAE.

The United Arab Emirates has clear position in the commitment to highest standards of nuclear safety in its program. This was reflected in the formation of the legal, regulatory and institutional framework. In September 2009 the United Arab Emirates issued Federal law No.6, regarding the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. This law embodies the United Arab Emirates policy's commitment in the area of nuclear safety, security, and non-proliferation in a manner that complies with the UAE commitments and consistent with its international obligations. The law aims to establish an integrated regulatory regime to ensure nuclear safety and security.

The law further establishes an independent nuclear regulatory authority responsible for licensing and regulating all uses of all radioactive sources and nuclear materials in the United Arab Emirates.

At the international level, the United Arab Emirates joined in 2009 a number of international conventions concerned with nuclear safety , including the IAEA's convention on nuclear safety. The convention establishes a framework for review and shared experience in nuclear safety amongst convention partys' which allows for continuous improvement in nuclear safety measures . Accordingly, the United Arab Emirates submitted its first report on the implementation of the convention this year. From this prospective, the United Arab Emirates encourages countries that own or are planning to own nuclear facilities to join the IAEA's nuclear safety convention.

The United Arab Emirates have taken major steps in the development of the legislative, and institutional infrastructure of nuclear security, and improves its exports control regime. UAE further supports international cooperation framework to enhance nuclear security. UAEs hosting of the GICNT's (global initiative to combat nuclear terrorism) annual plenary meeting in Abu Dhabi in June 2010 is evidence of this policy.

The United Arab Emirates is keen on working directly with the IAEA, and abiding by the standards set IAEA's. This has been reflected in the continuous technical cooperation programmes between UAE and the IAEA , and most importantly in consulting the IAEA in every step during the development of the United Arab Emirates nuclear program. And here I wish to commend the role played by the IAEA in supporting our program . , I would also like to refer to the intention of the United Arab Emirates to benefit from the services offered by IAEA such as the " Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review" Service . UAE has submitted its self evaluation report to the IAEA this in preparation for INIR.

The United Arab Emirates committed in its Policy to develop the domestic nuclear energy program in a way that will ensure its long-term sustainability, by the adoption of plans and strategies to ensure the availability of resources and to achieve the efficient future operation of the nuclear sector. UAE's interest in this regard was evident by its focus on the development of specialized human resources from the outset of the program through development of short and long term strategies , which include the engagement of regional and international entities such as the IAEA. I would note here the UAE hosting in 2010 of IAEA's conference on human resources development for the nuclear sector.

UAE considers international partnership and cooperation as the cornerstone for the success of nuclear energy programmes. This was a main pillar of the UAE Policy .We believe that the technologically advanced countries should make increasing efforts to facilitate the uses of peaceful nuclear energy to the less advanced countries.

As part of the efforts to strengthen international nuclear cooperation framework, the UAE supports the development of multilateral nuclear fuel assurance mechanisms. Creating such mechanisms will contribute to and support the expansion of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Furthermore, UAE sees the IAEA as the most appropriate place for the discussion and implementation of such initiatives due to its technical and specialized nature. We also hope to see progress with the advanced initiatives such as the establishment of a low enriched uranium fuel bank under the auspices of the IAEA , which the UAE has pledged 10 million dollars to support its establishment.

By the adoption and implementation of these policies and strategies, UAE Government hopes to establish a model for other countries that do not possess nuclear energy programmes to be able to develop national nuclear energy programmes with the full support and confidence of the international community. United Arab Emirates decision to develop a nuclear energy program, is a complement option to a number of other important options that were chosen to be developed to meet future energy needs.

Finally, we renew our confidence in the leading role that the Agency plays in supporting the expansion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and our readiness to support the work of the Agency in this regard.