Sitisfaction — the winning team members at the Quiz Nite Image Credit: xpress /Sharmila Dhal

Dubai:  What was the name of the fort in which Dubai Museum is housed? In medical parlance, what does MRI stand for? The most common gases in dry air are oxygen and nitrogen. What is the third gas?

As these and other questions were posed to the audience during Quiz Nite, held at the Emirates Golf Club in Dubai last weekend, the spirit of competition ran high with 13 teams vying for the coveted ‘Wise Men of Dubai' crown.

Organised by Christ Church Jebel Ali in aid of the charities it supports, the quiz was a fun-filled event with much intellectual sparring among the 108 expatriates who took part.

"We have two events every year for these charities," said The Reverend Canon Stephen Wright of the church, who also participated in the quiz.

While his team was called Good Heavens, other teams went by names like Clueless, Scruffs and so on. The winning team called itself Sitisfaction.

Wright said the charities that the church has been supporting this year include Help Tafo Trust in Tafo of Ghana, Master Charities in India, Woodside Special Care Centre, Cape Town, and the Kwasa Centre in Vukuzenzele, all of which are working with disadvantaged children to give them a better life.

Tickets for the quiz followed by dinner were sold for Dh75. An additional Dh25 was charged for those going in for dessert. Raffle tickets of Dh10 each were also sold with attractive prizes being distributed.

Ian Barrett, one of the participants, said: "The quiz was good fun. The questions were slightly challenging but were balanced enough to make sure the teams remained infused throughout the evening."