(Clockwise from left) Asma Bahassan, Mark Freiwat, Shamma Bu Hazza and Ezzat Moghazy Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: Every time you felt afraid and did not know what to do, there was always that one person who made everything seem all right. With one hug all your fears disappeared.

March 21 is the day to say thank you to the person that gave you life.

Although Gulf News readers show their love to their mothers every day, this is the day they celebrate it.

Every year Shamma Bu Hazza's family comes together on Mother's Day to thank their mother for everything that she has done for them.

Shamma, an Emirati student, considers her mother her best friend and feels that she is the person closest to her.

She said: "My mother made me who I am today and she has taught me everything I know."

This came down to the smallest details when Shamma's mother insisted on her tying her own shoelaces when she was a child, as a way of teaching her how to take care of herself.

The extra mile

She added that her mother always went the extra mile to make her children feel comfortable and secure.

Shamma's most special moments are when she cuddles up next to her mother. She said: "We just stay there for a while and just forget about the world. It is very therapeutic."

What Mark Freiwat, a Palestinian client service officer for a bank, loves about his mother is the fact that she has been there for him through every obstacle.

Things did not look well when Freiwat was hospitalised as a child for five days, but his mother never left his side. He said: "She was there for me day and night and she barely even slept. No one else would have been there and done this for me."

Freiwat is planning to take his mother to dinner to show his appreciation.

While some are fortunate to see their mother, not many are able to.

Ezzat Moghazy's parents live in his home country, Egypt, so he does not see them as often as he would like to.

Moghazy, a physiotherapist residing in Dubai, said: "I will not be seeing my mother on this day but I will send her a gift just to remind her how much she means to me."

True meaning

Moghazy learnt the true meaning of family when his mother took care of him every day when he was in hospital.

He said: "I was five years old when I fractured my leg and I had to stay in the hospital for six months. "My mother stayed with me every single day and it made me realise that she always puts her family's needs before her own."

Asma Bahassan, an Emirati residing in Dubai, was somewhat of a troublemaker when she was a child and at one stage went around the neighbourhood knocking on all the doors.

She said: "My mother made me go to every single neighbour and apologise.

"As a child I hated it but I now realise that she was teaching me how to become a better person."

Asma, a senior marketing and communications manager, describes her mother as her adviser and mentor and looks up to her for everything.

She said: "She was always there for me. Every time something happened she stood up for me till the end and I owe her everything."

Are you  celebrating Mother's Day? What is the most special aspect of your relationship with your mum?