His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, with Mohammad Al Ameri, the deputy of Emirates Travellers Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: "You are the one who will let the world know how the UAE was and how it becomes." These were the words of Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan as he received a group of Emiratis with an unquenchable thirst for travel at his palace back in 1996. There has been no looking back. By 2007, the tireless group had successfully completed eight stages of regional and international travel in their cars.

"His words were and still are a great motivation for our determination and success; we actually owe him a lot for believing in our dream and mission and for all the moral and financial supports he generously provided us with," Awad Mohammad Majrin, founder of the tight-knit fraternity that identifies itself as the Emirates Travellers, told Gulf News.

Awad had always longed to see the world. "Exploring the world has uncountable advantages, perhaps the most crucial ones are learning, socialising and introducing your identity to others," he said.

The team members say they always strive to live up to the trust reposed in them as ambassadors for the UAE by their respective families and society at large, and also the government.

"When I first spoke to my family about the idea back in the early 90s I was surrounded by a number of sceptical questions and a lot of fear to make me give up what they were calling a scary mission. However, with patience and rational dialogue my dream finally turned into reality and all those who initially disagreed have become essential supporters now," Awad recalls.

Life-changing course

In terms of the experience the team has gained he said, "Well, over a decade, the journeys have radically reshaped our lives and definitely expanded our knowledge and our perspective of life overall." Awad says.

His deputy, Mohammad Al Ameri, added: "In other words, believing in yourself and your potential, being fully independent, and being surrounded by people who understand you and trust you to the end is by all means a great opportunity of life to experience."

Between 2001 and 2003, the team had to suspend their international travel schedule due to tensions in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US. The forced interlude however enabled them to focus on local activities and they brought out a book called Around the World by |Car, recorded documentary films, launched various photography exhibitions to document their global adventures, besides visiting a number of schools and universities to to elicit the feedback of young citizens which "was very pleasing", Awad and Mohammad said.

The love of adventure has opened many doors to the team. Besides challenging themselves, they have got to know high-profile people in the UAE and abroad, enhanced their knowledge of art and attended photography sessions that enabled them to authenticate their travels.

There are plans ahead, too. "The first three days of March of 2011 will witness a big-time festival; we have been planning to bring together travellers and adventurers from all over the world under Dubai umbrella and celebrate the noble aim and mission that they have devoted their lives to. The event however will be the first of its kind in the Middle East," Awad and Mohammad said.

The team has received various international and local awards. And they have caught the media attention wherever they have gone.

Clear roadmap

  • The first stage took the team across the GCC and Middle East, Europe, North and South America and the Amazon, where they spent 6 months.
  • The second stage — through Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq — was traversed in 5 months.
  • Stage Three combined South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, and Tunis, taking 4 months.
  • Stage Four — through Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia — took one month.
  • Stage Five was covered in 2 months and took the team through Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Iran.
  • Stage Six was a one-month trip through Djibouti and Ethiopia.
  • Stage Seven took 2 months and covered Peru and Ecuador.
  • Stage Eight saw the team spending a month in Madagascar.

The team

Awad Mohammad is the founder and Mohammad Al Ameri the deputy leader with Ahmad Bin Galita, Munder Juma, Ahmad Al Awar, Abdul Bari Bin Sogat, Aref Al Suwaidi among the members.